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Enos Race Car - Episode 1
Good morning guys, between ups and downs (due to this damned situation of Covid) I try to distract myself a bit by modifying some diecast models. For some time I had been planning to complete the quartet of racing cars used in episode 7 of the first season of "The Dukes of Hazzard": more precisely, I was missing only Enos's car, already having several General Lee, the Lucifer (custom model created by me same years ago) and Cooter's Camaro, produced by AutoWorld. So I decided to buy a 1975 Plymouth Fury (in the police version of "Smokey and The Bandit") and modify it, preparing new graphics to be applied on the sides and on the trunk. Today I will show you the preparation of these graphics and the tests on the car, then in the next episodes the final application on the bodywork. Have fun and, please, stay safe!
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.