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Street Hawk: merger completed!
During the last weekend I continued to work on "Street Hawk": I finished at last to empty the inside of the shell to allow me to easily position the new chassis with larger wheels. I created then with plasticard also an indoor slide attached to the body that will serve to accommodate the headlight closed or open; moreover, always with plasticard, I created a support that will keep the bike upright, since I have eliminated the stand. I then proceeded to place the two parts of the body on the frame and as you can see from the pictures, the result is excellent. I have yet to apply stucco to close the old holes on the left side and make a few shots of sandpaper (as I did on the right side to remove markings indicating the brand and the production year), then I can move on to painting (before the primer and then the flat black paint). See you soon with some other update!
Posted by: Fabiano on Thu 4/21/2016 at 14:48
Tags: plasticard, created, street, body, side, last, hawk, accommodate, eliminated, production
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