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Lee1 found diorama
On October 11, 2000, Gary Schneider and Travis Bell met Don Shishler in Cummings, GA. Don had some fascinating stories to tell: he told to Gary and Travis the story that a man named Cliff hauled away all the cars that were used in the Dukes episodes when they had completed filming. Don hadn't talked to Cliff in years, but volunteered to call him anyway: Cliff wasn't at home, but his wife told Don that most of those cars had long since been crushed, but she did say that there was an old Charger out there that wasn't orange, but that it did have a 71 on the door. During the first 5 episodes of "The Dukes of Hazzard" series, the Lee1 was repainted in blue and the 71 numbers were painted on the doors. Gary and Travis had discovered what remained of the first General Lee ever built, the LEE1... During the past few weeks, Paul Dengel (zed4130) wrote me that an english guy was selling on eBay a diorama of how the Lee1 was found by Gary Schneider and Travis Bell. Needless to say that at the end I won the auction and now this beautiful model is in my collection! I take this opportunity to thank Paul and David (the guy who created this diorama).
2009/06/08 says: your very welcome mate, this will look so cool in your great collection, it went to a good home, and i bet dave is happy it went to a DoH fan, you will enjoy this for many years,
paul Translate:
2009/06/08 Ighi72 says: Veramente bello e molto reale.....Fabiano...sei insuperabile: non Ti scappa proprio nulla...sei incredibile...grande !! Ciao by Ighi Translate:
2009/06/08 Fabiano says: Ti ringrazio Ighi, ma è tutto merito di Paul che me l'ha segnalato, altrimenti non l'avrei mai trovato su eBay. Se riesco, vedo di portarlo al MOPAR & Dukesfest. Translate:
2009/06/08 Roberto says: innanzi tutto una sola parola: stupendo! complimenti veramente! Non ci crederai, ma stavo giusto per scriverti per avere alcuni pareri su come realizzare questa vettura in 1/18 dopo l'esperienza 1/25! Ora, non ti spiace se sbircio bene le foto per 'ispirarmi'? Translate:
2009/06/08 Fabiano says: Ma ci mancherebbe Roberto! Se ti interessa il ragazzo che ha fatto questo diorama sta vendendo proprio in questi giorni un'altra 71 ma in versione "Repo Men", ossia con i cerchi color oro. Translate:
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.