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I do not sell these models. This site is only dedicated to my private collection.
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The first shield
Only limited progress during these days... I created the shield for the back window: this part is composed of two main parts (one overlapped to the other) and 8 little strips arranged adjacent to each other. Finally, the shield has been superimposed and fixed to the back window with double-sided tape. In the coming days I hope to be able to terminate the shields on all other glass surfaces.
Back to the Future, Knight Rider and Street Hawk - Part IV
DeLorean "Back to The Future II" by Kids Logic
Holidays finished!!
Saga completed
2009/05/19 zed4130 says: im really looking forward to seeing this done fabiano, good work.
paul Translate:
2009/05/19 Ighi72 says: Veramente esagerata....dopo la verniciatura secondo me sarà uno spettacolo di modello!! Ciao by Ighi Translate:
2009/05/19 Fabiano says: @zed4130: Thanks Paul!! It's very funny to work on this model and I hope it will became a great 1:18th replica car.
@Ighi72: Grazie Ighi! Una volta verniciato dovrebbe sembrare un tutt'uno, ma non sarà facile, più che altro perchè dovrò cercare di dare un effetto di verniciatura rovinata e non so ancora come fare... Translate:
2009/05/20 Roberto says: Ottimo lavoro Fabiano! non sono scomparso, ti ho sempre tenuto d'occhio ma Alice nonostante sia bravissima ci impegna parecchio! appena posso posto le foto dei miei nuovi acquisti che sono ripresi, ancora complimentoni per il lavoro certosino che stai facendo, saluti a tutti gli utenti, Roberto Translate:
2009/05/20 Fabiano says: Ciao Roberto e bentrovato! Un abbraccione innanzitutto ad Alice; per il resto, non preoccuparti: siam sempre qui ad aspettarti, anche per vedere i tuoi ultimi acquisti che sicuramente saranno di prima qualità. A presto!! Translate:
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.