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WIP 1/64th General Lee: Step 8
The little General Lee grows up: Luca sent me some pictures about his progress and I can only say he is doing a good job!! During the weekend he worked on the interior and on the engine. Moreover, he added chromed profiles on the shell, on the glass surfaces and then he created 2 new antennas. As you can see this General Lee looks like the LEE1!!
2008/11/17 Max Pujol says: Assurdo!!! Ma chi è questo pazzo che sta realizzando questa roba? Uno può pensare dalle foto "eh grazie, in 1:24 son bravi tutti" ma poi se si legge che è in 1:64 e cioè circa 10cm di modello...
Non ho parole, sarà uno splendore di modello, se Luca legge questi messaggi, voglio che legga che è un MITO! Translate:
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.