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Bumblebee... on the Earth!
Yesterday, I received a new car for my "little garage": this time, it's the turn of the new Chevrolet Camaro Concept produced by Jada. This wonderful yellow car has been used in the movie "Transformers" for the characters "Bumblebee". The diecast model is very nice: the paint is very bright and the exterior and interior details are great. The only defects of this model are the engine (too simple and too chromium-plated) and the front wheels that are not stereable (for a 1:18 diecast model it's unthinkable). However, I think it's a good diecast model and in the next future I will shot some pictures with the other 2 new muscle cars (the Dodge Challenger and the Ford Mustang). Stay tuned!!!
2008/10/13 Max Pujol says: Bella Fabiano! Queste muscle car moderne sono davvero ben riuscite, e anche questo modello èe ben riuscito. Oltre a qualche difetto citato da te, il volante è normale che sia così cromato? Fa molto BBurago o Politoys anni '70. :D Translate:
2008/10/13 Fabiano says: Ciao Gigi, in effetti il volante doveva essere più satinato e forse un pochino più sottile (come del resto i leveraggi laterali). Ecco il link ad una foto dell'interno reale: Translate:
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.