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I do not sell these models. This site is only dedicated to my private collection.
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I am Legend
Finally, today I will show you the awesome Shelby Mustang GT500 produced by AUTOart. The details on this diecast model are grand: you can watch it in the following pictures, but you will realize this model has no defects. Moreover, this model is a limited edition of 6000 pieces (mine is the #2044) and in the package there is a Certficate of Authenticity. Every time I bought a model produced by AUTOart, I think this producer is one of the best on the world!!
Lamborghini Miura P400 by AutoArt - "The Italian Job"
Lancia Delta S4 road version by AutoArt
Last purchases of March - Part II
2008/06/20 Roberto says: eh si, si vede che e' piu' dettagliata della mia ertl, come particolari ricorda la concept challenger della quale ti inviero' foto con quelle della gt 500, devo solo riuscire a fare bene quelle dei dettagli(a volte mi vengono sfocate) mi metto al lavoro gia' domani! Translate:
2008/06/21 Fabiano says: Non vedo l'ora di riceverle, Roberto!! In effetti sono curioso di vedere il livello di dettaglio della tua Callenger (Highway 61) che sarà decisamente più elevato della mia Maisto. Translate:
"Hollywood 1:18 Wheels" is not part of Hollywood Sign Trust and is not linked to the association or to any members of this community. A mission of this site is to provide information to help diecast collectors to found any type of car used in movie or serial TV. All images copyright � by Fabiano Spinelli. All rights reserved. You may not upload these images to a web site or distribute it commercially or otherwise. It is illegal to use these images on your web site and to post on community web sites. Copyright � 2007. July 16, 2007.